Loosen the nuts of fastening of a wheel, поддомкратьте the car also establish it on props. Cock a lay brake and remove a wheel.
Give to a hook of the top rod of the shock-absorber. For keeping of a rod from проворачивания take advantage рожковым of a key. If the nut "has become attached", impregnate with its preliminary getting oil. Probably, for keeping a rod it is necessary to take advantage самоконтрящимися of nippers as for a usual key лыски on it are small enough.
At отдавании nuts of a rod of the shock-absorber (marksman) for keeping of a rod from проворачивания it is necessary to take advantage рожковым of a key or самоконтрящимися nippers.
Give bolts and nuts of fastening of the bottom support of the shock-absorber, then take last through a wheel arch. Remove from the top part of the shock-absorber of a washer and rubber plugs through passage.
The bottom end of the shock-absorber fastens to картеру the forward bridge by means of two bolts (arrow) with nuts (in a picture are not visible).