Поддомкратьте a back of the car also establish it on props.
Disconnect connecting links (racks) of the stabilizer from bridge arms.
Components of a rack of the back stabilizer; if dismantling of racks for the purpose of check of a condition of their components was made, their installation into place at assemblage should be made according to the given drawing.
For a detachment of a rack of a bar of the back stabilizer from an arm of a tubular sleeve of the bridge give this nut (marksman) (the left rack is shown, for right the picture is identical).
Отболтите collars of plugs of fastening of a bar of the stabilizer to beams of a frame also remove a bar from the car.
For a detachment of a bar of the back stabilizer from frame beams give bolts (arrows) of collars of fixing plugs (it is shown left - for right all similarly).
Remove collars and plugs from a bar of the stabilizer and check up them on presence of cracks, signs of deterioration and the general ageing of a material. In case of need replace plugs.