Removal and installation of screw springs of a back suspension bracket
Loosen the nuts of forward wheels. Поддомкратьте redock of the car also establish it on props. Remove wheels.
Mark position and disconnect from the holder крестовины a leading gear wheel of differential forward карданный a shaft (the Head Coupling and трансмиссионная a line), then tie up a shaft aside a wire piece.
Prop up assemblage of the bridge or one jack established under differential, or two, got under everyone their sleeves (last way gives the best balancing). Отболтите the bottom levers of a suspension bracket from the bridge (Has undressed Removal and installation of levers of a forward suspension bracket).
Отболтите racks of the stabilizer and shock-absorbers from a forward part картера the bridge (Sections Removal and installation of a bar of the back stabilizer of cross-section stability and Removal and installation of back shock-absorbers).
Disconnect a jet bar from a bridge arm (Has undressed Removal and installation of a cross-section jet bar of a back suspension bracket).
Slowly lower bridge assemblage so that screw springs were completely stretched. If for подпирания the bridge one jack is used only, ask the assistant to adhere the bridge on the right at its lowering. Take a spring from under the car.
Check up a spring on presence of defects and traces of corrosion which are capable to cause its premature exit out of operation. In case of need make replacement.
Installation make upside-down. Make sure of correctness of landing of a screw spring (see an illustration). All fixture tighten with demanded effort.