Jeep Grand Cherokee1993-1999 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Jeep Grand Cherokee + Cars of mark Jeep Grand Cherokee + Options and routine maintenance + Рядный the six-cylinder engine + Engine V8 + Procedure of the general and engine major repairs - Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning The general information Antifreeze - the general information Check of functioning and thermostat replacement Check of serviceability and replacement of the fan of system of cooling and муфты its couplings Check of functioning and replacement of the block of the gauge of temperature of a cooler Removal and installation of a radiator and broad tank of system of cooling Check of functioning of the water pump Removal and installation of the water pump Check of serviceability of an electric contour and replacement of components of the motor of the fan of a heater and air conditioner Removal and installation of the block of the fan of a heater Removal and installation of assemblage of management by a heater and air conditioner Removal and installation of the heat exchanger of a heater Check of serviceability and service of systems of heating and air conditioning Diagnostics of system of automatic control in temperature (automatic telephone exchange) without its removal from the car Removal and installation of the accumulator (store) of a central air of air Removal and installation of the compressor of a central air of air Removal and installation of the condenser of a central air of air Removal and installation of a tube of the calibrated jet Removal and installation of the evaporator of a central air + The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases + System of an electric equipment of the engine + Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management + Manual box of a gear change + Automatic transmission + Distributing box + Coupling and трансмиссионная a line + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + System of an onboard electric equipment + Controls and operation receptions |
Check of functioning and replacement of the block of the gauge of temperature of a cooler
The system of measurement of temperature of a cooler consists of the measuring instrument of temperature entering into a combination of devices and the block of the gauge of temperature, established on the engine. Some models are equipped more than one gauge, however for temperature indication uses only one of them, usually equipped with a single-wire electric socket. Gauges of temperature of the cooler, transmitting signals on the processor are usually equipped by two wires.
In a case if the measuring instrument fixes an overheat, check up cooler level, then make sure of reliability of fastening of contacts of electroconducting between a measuring instrument and the switch. Check up a condition of safety locks. At the included ignition and a turned starter the control lamp should burn (check of serviceability of a lamp). If the lamp does not burn, or it has fused, or contour breakage takes place. Check up a contour, having earthed a wire between a lamp and the gauge at the included ignition (but without starting for safety the engine). If the arrow of a measuring instrument deviates thus on all range of a scale, or the control lamp lights up, replace the gauge. Right after engine start the control lamp should go out and remain switched off before occurrence of an overheat of the engine. Refusal of deenergizing of a lamp can occur owing to закорачивания on weight of a wire between a lamp and the gauge, malfunctions of the gauge or failure of the lock of ignition. Make sure that the system is filled by a cooler of demanded type. The excessive quantity of water in a mix can be at the bottom of decrease in a boiling point of a cooler to value of the gauge insufficient for activation. If the gauge block is subject to replacement, simply unscrew it from the engine and screw on its place the new. A carving part of the new gauge grease with hermetic. Before starting removal of the defective gauge make sure that the engine has completely cooled down. At вывинчивании the gauge inevitably there will be insignificant losses of a cooler - be ready to gathering of a spilt liquid. After installation of the new block of the gauge check up cooler level. |