Jeep Grand Cherokee
+ Cars of mark Jeep Grand Cherokee
+ Options and routine maintenance
+ Рядный the six-cylinder engine
+ Engine V8
+ Procedure of the general and engine major repairs
- Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
The general information
Antifreeze - the general information
Check of functioning and thermostat replacement
Check of serviceability and replacement of the fan of system of cooling and муфты its couplings
Check of functioning and replacement of the block of the gauge of temperature of a cooler
Removal and installation of a radiator and broad tank of system of cooling
Check of functioning of the water pump
Removal and installation of the water pump
Check of serviceability of an electric contour and replacement of components of the motor of the fan of a heater and air conditioner
Removal and installation of the block of the fan of a heater
Removal and installation of assemblage of management by a heater and air conditioner
Removal and installation of the heat exchanger of a heater
Check of serviceability and service of systems of heating and air conditioning
Diagnostics of system of automatic control in temperature (automatic telephone exchange) without its removal from the car
Removal and installation of the accumulator (store) of a central air of air
Removal and installation of the compressor of a central air of air
Removal and installation of the condenser of a central air of air
Removal and installation of a tube of the calibrated jet
Removal and installation of the evaporator of a central air
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ System of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Automatic transmission
+ Distributing box
+ Coupling and трансмиссионная a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ System of an onboard electric equipment
+ Controls and operation receptions
Check of serviceability and service of systems of heating and air conditioning
For поддерживания central airs constantly in a peak efficiency condition following checks should be made on a regular basis:
Check up a condition drive a compressor belt. If the belt is worn out or damaged, replace it (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance).
Check up effort of a tension drive a belt and, in case of need, make adjustment (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance).
Check up system hoses on presence of cracks, swellings, traces of ageing of a material and other damages. Examine the ends of hoses put on unions on presence of signs of infiltration and oil. In case of revealing of signs of deterioration, damages or leaks replace a hose ().
Check up backlashes between condenser plates on presence in them of the got stuck old leaves, remains of insects and other dust. Clean backlashes by means of a special crest or blow their compressed air.
Check up correctness of level of a coolant in system.
It is necessary to include system at least once a month for a while about 10 minutes, especially it concerns a cold season when direct necessity for salon air-conditioning is absent. Long non-use conducts to hardening and gradual failure of sealing linings of system.
To reveal leaks in system it is the most easier after warming up and pressure lifting in it by five-minute inclusion of system in a mode of air-conditioning of salon at the working engine. Then switch off the engine and carefully examine all hoses of system and them штуцерные connections. Presence of oil traces usually speaks about presence of leaks of a coolant.
In view of complexity of a design of system and necessity of application of the special equipment for its service, deep diagnostics and repair, the description of the listed procedures is not included in the given Management. However, the elementary checks and descriptions of procedures of replacement of some components are collected in the given Chapter and brought to attention of readers.
If the central air does not function in general, check up a condition of its safety locks in the assembly block and the relay of the conditioner which is located in a relay box in an impellent compartment.
The relay of a central air of air is central (arrow) in a relay box in an impellent compartment.
More often decrease in efficiency of functioning of system appears connected with falling of level of the coolant charged in it. At appreciable decrease in an overall performance of system one of offered below checks will help to reveal falling of level of a coolant quickly.
Check of level of a coolant
Warm up the engine to normal working temperature.
Translate the lever of a choice of a temperature mode of functioning of the conditioner on the maximum cold, then include on a maximum the heater fan. Open doors (in order to avoid automatic switching-off of system in process of air cooling in salon).
After compressor inclusion - муфта its couplings will be published by well heard click, and its central part will start to rotate - feel one hand an inlet tube of the evaporator between a tube of the calibrated jet and the evaporator, simultaneously pressing the second hand to metal section of a hose between the evaporator and the accumulator (store) (Sections Removal and installation of the heat exchanger of a heater and Removal and installation of a tube of the calibrated jet see).
The tube going from the calibrated jet to the evaporator should be to the touch cold, and the target hose - is a little more (on 2 – 6 ) is colder. If the exit appears more warmly an input, coolant level in system is insufficient (system недозаряжена). The first of signs of insufficient gymnastics of system is the condition leaving of sleeves in salon of the car of air. If air not cold as it should be, system requires gymnastics. More detailed diagnostics of a condition of system demands application of the special equipment and lies out of limits of qualification of the average mechanic-fan.
If the inlet tube is covered by hoarfrost, accumulator surfaces are to the touch colder, the system also requires additional charge.
Refuelling of system by a coolant
Get in shop of automobile accessories a special set for gymnastics of a central air of air. Into a set enter the canister with a coolant (refrigerator oil) in volume of 12 ounces (340), вентильный the valve (краник) and the short hose connected between the gate and the working valve in низконапорной of a part of system. As one canister of a coolant it can appear insufficiently for definitive gymnastics of system, it makes sense to get pair of the spare in advance. Make sure that in one of canisters refrigerator oil of red colour contains. In case of occurrence of leaks in system the reddish shade of a coolant will help to reveal their source.
At all do not add in system more than two canisters of a coolant. |
Base зарядный the complete set for type systems 134а can be got always in shops of automobile accessories - on packing necessarily there should be an index 134 and (not R-12), the canister with 340 г (12 ounces) refrigerator oil also should be applied.
Following instructions applied on a set, collect зарядный the complete set.
Do not try to connect AT ALL a hose зарядного the complete set to высоконапорной to the system party! It is necessary to notice that the design of the union and does not allow to make it. |
Give a flywheel вентильного the valve (краника) зарядного a set and connect a set to the canister with a coolant. Track that in a carving part of the union the sealing ring has been established.
At work with the canister in which the coolant is under pressure put on goggles. |
Remove duster with зарядного the union низконапорной system parts (directly over a broad tank of system of cooling)
Add a coolant in низконапорный the union of a central air of air.
Warm up the engine and include air conditioner. Try not to admit contact of a hose from зарядного a set with blades of the fan of system of cooling and other moving components in an impellent compartment. The gymnastics of system demand rotation of its compressor. If муфта compressor couplings it is periodically disconnected, disunite an electric socket of the cyclic switch on the accumulator (store) and connect a wire-crosspiece. It will force the compressor to work in a continuous mode.
Remove the cyclic switch from the block of the accumulator and connect its socket directly to the battery by means of a wire from a set for start of the engine from an auxiliary source is will allow to avoid periodic switching-off of the compressor.
Turn the handle of the valve of a set so that its core has pierced a membrane of a mouth of the canister, then return the handle in initial positions, having taken out a core from an aperture and having provided pass through the last of a coolant. Hissing of passing gas thus should be heard. Add a coolant in низконапорную a system part in the small portions until temperatures of surfaces of the accumulator and an inlet tube of the evaporator will be made even. Before each following giving leave time for system stabilisation.
In the presence of the exact thermometer it is possible to enter it into the central sleeve of the conditioner in salon of the car and constantly to trace temperature of leaving air. Regularly functioning correctly charged central air should cool air to temperature approximately 4,5 S.Esli an ambient temperature (external air) is very high, for example nearby 44 With, the temperature of air leaving a sleeve can reach to 15,7 S.Normalnym is остужение external air on 17 - 28 With.
After a canister devastation turn краник in the closed position and disconnect a hose from низконапорного the system union. Establish into place duster the union.
Disconnect a set from the canister and store before the following refuelling of system. The piercing core of the valve should be involved in order to avoid unexpected протыкания crosspieces of a mouth of the new canister at the next assemblage of a set.