Jeep Grand Cherokee

1993-1999 of release

Repair and car operation

Jeep Grand Cherokee
+ Cars of mark Jeep Grand Cherokee
+ Options and routine maintenance
+ Рядный the six-cylinder engine
+ Engine V8
+ Procedure of the general and engine major repairs
- Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
   The general information
   Antifreeze - the general information
   Check of functioning and thermostat replacement
   Check of serviceability and replacement of the fan of system of cooling and муфты its couplings
   Check of functioning and replacement of the block of the gauge of temperature of a cooler
   Removal and installation of a radiator and broad tank of system of cooling
   Check of functioning of the water pump
   Removal and installation of the water pump
   Check of serviceability of an electric contour and replacement of components of the motor of the fan of a heater and air conditioner
   Removal and installation of the block of the fan of a heater
   Removal and installation of assemblage of management by a heater and air conditioner
   Removal and installation of the heat exchanger of a heater
   Check of serviceability and service of systems of heating and air conditioning
   Diagnostics of system of automatic control in temperature (automatic telephone exchange) without its removal from the car
   Removal and installation of the accumulator (store) of a central air of air
   Removal and installation of the compressor of a central air of air
   Removal and installation of the condenser of a central air of air
   Removal and installation of a tube of the calibrated jet
   Removal and installation of the evaporator of a central air
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ System of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Automatic transmission
+ Distributing box
+ Coupling and трансмиссионная a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ System of an onboard electric equipment
+ Controls and operation receptions


Check of functioning of the water pump

Refusal of the water pump can be at the bottom of the serious damages of the engine connected with its overheat.

There are some ways of check of functioning of the water pump without its removal from the engine. If the pump is faulty, it is necessary to replace it new or restored.

Water pumps are equipped control or ventilating by apertures. In case of failure of an epiploon of the pump from an aperture the cooler starts to exude. In most cases to find and examine a control aperture which is in the bottom part of the pump, the small lamp is required.

At occurrence of malfunction of an epiploon of a shaft of the water pump from its control aperture the cooler starts to exude.

If bearings of shaft of the water pump are faulty, they can publish howl, which will start with a forward part of an impellent compartment at engine work. Deterioration of a shaft is shown in the form of palpation upwards-downwards a pulley of the water pump. Do not confuse howl, published by bearings with the squeal which is taking place at проскальзывании drive of a belt.

Grasp a pump flange try to shake its shaft upwards-downwards for revealing of its signs люфта.

There is a probability of an exit of the pump out of operation when it is not accompanied by characteristic signs (howl also cooler infiltration through a control aperture). Corrosion of a back part of shovels of a rotor of the pump, leading on a certain stage of the development to inadmissible decrease in efficiency of functioning of the pump Sometimes takes place. Unique way to check up the such assumption is removal of the pump and careful research of its condition.