Jeep Grand Cherokee1993-1999 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Jeep Grand Cherokee + Cars of mark Jeep Grand Cherokee + Options and routine maintenance + Рядный the six-cylinder engine + Engine V8 + Procedure of the general and engine major repairs + Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning + The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases + System of an electric equipment of the engine + Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management + Manual box of a gear change + Automatic transmission - Distributing box The general information Adjustment of draught of switching Removal and installation of a distributing box Major repairs of a distributing box - the general information + Coupling and трансмиссионная a line + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + System of an onboard electric equipment + Controls and operation receptions |
Major repairs of a distributing box - the general information Major repairs of a distributing box are difficult procedure for independent performance. She assumes carrying out of dismantling and correct return assemblage of set of small knots and components. It is necessary to measure precisely set of backlashes and correctly them to modify, having picked up the corresponding size adjusting washers and lock rings. Thus, if there is a necessity for carrying out of major repairs of a distributing box, its removal and installation can are executed by forces of the mechanic-fan whereas actually repair and restoration should be left to experts of car-care centre. There is a possibility of acquisition of the restored boxes - consult at experts of dealer branch. In any case, expenses of time and means for repair and restoration of an old box will appear quite commensurable with expenses for acquisition of the restored block. Nevertheless, it is necessary to tell that performance of major repairs of a distributing box by forces even not skilled mechanic-fan quite probably under condition of presence of the corresponding special tool and the accurate and careful approach to performance of each of procedures when any of even the most insignificant steps is not passed. The number of the tools necessary for performance of major repairs of a distributing box includes flat-nose pliers for removal and installation both internal, and external lock rings, a stripper of bearings, a hammer with sliding brisk, the complete set выколоток, циферблатный the indicator плунжерного type and, probably, hydraulic press. Besides, presence strong, convenient height of the workbench equipped with a vice, or the stand for carrying out of dismantle of transmissions is absolutely necessary. During dismantling of a distributing box pay steadfast attention to ways of installation of each of the smallest components, its position in relation to other details and fixture type (do on a course of dismantling of a note). The accompanying illustrations resulted here urged to help to understand box configuration - however, drawing up of explanatory notes during dismantling nevertheless guarantees correctness of the subsequent assemblage much more reliably. Components of a distributing box of type NР231 Components of a distributing box of type NР242 Components of a distributing box of type NР249 Before sending a distributing box in repair, it is useful to make for itself representation about that in what of its parts malfunction is covered. Some of defects are unequivocally adhered to various knots that can essentially simplify procedure of troubleshooting and reduce time for its search and elimination. The Section Diagnostics of malfunctions in the Management beginning see also. |