Jeep Grand Cherokee
+ Cars of mark Jeep Grand Cherokee
+ Options and routine maintenance
+ Рядный the six-cylinder engine
+ Engine V8
+ Procedure of the general and engine major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ System of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Automatic transmission
+ Distributing box
+ Coupling and трансмиссионная a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
- System of an onboard electric equipment
The general information
Diagnostics of malfunctions of an electric equipment of the chassis - the general information
Safety locks - the general information
Fusible inserts - the general information
Chain breakers (thermal relays) - the general information
The relay - the general information
Check of a condition and replacement of the breaker of indexes of turn/alarm system
Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement universal подрулевого the switch
Check of a condition and replacement of the switch of ignition/cylinder of the lock
Check of serviceability of functioning of the switch of heating of glass of a door of a back
Check of a condition and repair of a heater of glass of a door of a back
Replacement of lamps of head headlights
Adjustment of position of head block headlights
Removal and installation of cases of head block headlights
Replacement of lamps
Removal and installation of switches of head headlights and screen wiper of a window of a door of a back
Removal and installation of a radio tape recorder and loudspeakers
Removal and aerial installation
Check of functioning and replacement of the motor of screen wipers
Removal and installation of a combination of devices
Check of functioning and horn replacement
The description of a principle of functioning and diagnostics of a control system by speed (темпостата)
The description of a principle of action and diagnostics of the electric drive of lowering-podnimanija of glasses
Principle of functioning and check of the central lock and system of opening of doors without a key
Principle of action and check of serviceability of the electric drive of change of position of seats
Principle of action and check of serviceability of the electric drive of mirrors back a kind
Safety pillow - the general information
Electric schemes - the general information
Arrangement and appointment of the relay and safety locks
+ Controls and operation receptions
Principle of action and check of serviceability of the electric drive of mirrors back a kind
Lateral mirror
The electric drive of change of position of glass of a rear-view mirror uses two motors in the work; one for adjustment in a vertical plane and one - in horizontal.
The management switch is equipped by the selector device providing giving of a food on the left or right lateral rear-view mirrors. Having turned the ignition key in Lay (АСС) position, lower glasses of windows попереключайте the switch of management of position of mirrors, having spent it through all positions. (To the left-to the right and upwards-downwards) for both mirrors.
Attentively listen to the sounds published by motors of a drive of mirrors.
If the motor hoots, but the mirror does not move, probably there is a malfunction of the mechanism of a drive in a mirror. For definition of a cause of a failure remove a mirror and disassemble it.
If mirrors do not function also motors of their drive do not publish any sounds, check up a safety lock condition on 15 And in the assembly block located on the right under the panel of devices (Has undressed Safety locks - the general information).
If the safety lock is perfectly in order, remove facing of the panel of switches (the Head the Body) for providing of access to the back party of the switch of management of position of mirrors without a detachment from it wires. Include ignitions (a key in position ON) and check up pressure on the switch. On one of plugs pressure necessarily should be present. If pressure on the switch is not fixed, check up conducting between the switch and the assembly block of safety locks on presence of breakages or short circuit.
If pressure takes place, disconnect the switch. Check up conductivity of the switch in all its working positions. In case of conductivity infringement replace the switch.
Again connect the switch. Find a wire going from the switch to weight. Having left the switch connected, connect the wire equipped with clips between this wire and weight. If now the mirror drive functions normally, restore grounding.
If the drive on the former does not function, remove a mirror and check up food presence on its wires. Check make at the included ignition (a key in position ON) and correct position of the selector switch. Spend the switch of management of a mirror through all working positions. (Except neutral (OFF)) pressure should be present at each of them on one of the wires going from the switch to a mirror.
Check up pressure presence on a socket of connection of the switch with the motor of a drive of a mirror.
If pressure is absent at any position of the switch, check up conducting between it and a mirror on presence of breakages and short circuits.
If pressure takes place, remove a mirror and check up it, connecting directly to the battery. If refusal takes place and now, replace a mirror.
Mirror with automatic switching day/night modes
For decrease in intensity of a reflected light in a mirror the automatic switch day/night modes carries out adjustment светоотражающей abilities of a mirror depending on external conditions. The given function is carried out by application of two photo cells one of which is turned forward, another will turn back. Elements exercise administration of blackout or clarification thin элктрохимически the active layer which has been built in glass of a mirror.
At ignition inclusion translate the switch of the models not equipped with the top hatch in Top (High) or Bottom (Low) position, on the models equipped with the hatch translate the switch in position ON (Вкл).
Cover the photo cell turned forward, illuminate turned back and make sure that there was a blackout of a surface of a mirror, then translate transmission in position of a reverse gear and be convinced that the mirror surface has brightened. If is not present, disunite an electric socket. At the included ignition on a nest 1 there should be a pressure of the battery, conductivity between a nest 2 and in weight should be absent, the nest 3 should have conductivity at the transmission established on a reverse gear.
In case of default of any of the listed conditions replace a mirror (the Head the Body).