Glance under a seat in search of the object gone there, capable to prevent seat moving.
If the seat electric drive does not function in general, check up a condition of the breaker of a chain on 30 And (№ 25) in the assembly block of safety locks.
Having switched off for the purpose of decrease in a noise background the engine, попереключайте in both directions switches of a drive of a seat, listening to published by motors of a drive to sounds.
If the motor does not function or publishes unusual noise, check up pressure on it while the assistant will switch the switch.
If a food on the motor moves, but it does not rotate, remove it from the car and check up, submitting a food it is direct from the battery. If motor inclusion does not occur and now, replace it.
If a food is absent, remove the switch and check up it. If pressure on the switch is absent, check up an electroconducting condition between the switch and the assembly block of safety locks. If pressure takes place on a red wire of the switch, check up a condition of the breaker of a chain. Check up a black wire and, in case of absence of its conductivity, replace the switch. If the switch is perfectly in order, check up conducting between it and the motor on presence of breakages or short circuit.
Repeat check of functioning of a drive after entering of corresponding corrections.