The description of a principle of functioning and diagnostics of a control system by speed (темпостата)
Темпостат serves for keeping of speed of the car at the chosen level, exercising administration of position throttle заслонки by means of the motor of the servo-driver and drive a cable connecting the motor with draught throttle заслонки. The system structure includes the servo-driver motor, the gauge-switch of stoplights, the coupling switch, switches of management both connecting wires and vacuum hoses. Check of some of characteristics of system demands application of the special equipment and lies out of limits of qualification of the average mechanic-fan. The description of the basic procedures is more low resulted, allowing to reveal functioning shared problems темпостата.
Components of a control system in the speed (темпостата)
Find and check up a condition of a safety lock of a contour of system.
Ask the assistant to include stoplights, make sure of their operation (pressure of stoplights and, in certain cases, from the coupling switch deactivates a control system of speed).
If stoplights do not work, or, on the contrary, there is no their switching-off at release brake pedals, correct a cause of a failure and repeat check темпостата. Check up serviceability of the switch of coupling (the Head Coupling and трансмиссионная a line).
Visually examine the vacuum hoses connected to the servo-driver and check up a condition of draught of management between the servo-driver темпостата and draught throttle заслонки. In case of need make replacements.
Check up a condition vacuum () and electric () sockets темпостата.
Check up a condition of knot of connection темпостата with draught throttle заслонки (marksman).
In work of a control system as speed signals of set of gauges are used. On the given models the gauge of speed is located in transmission (РКПП) or a distributing box. Give a bolt and disconnect the gauge, then, rotating the gauge observe of indications of the digital voltmeter connected to it (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases). If resistance at cable rotation does not change, the gauge is faulty.
Make car trial runs, checking serviceability of functioning of a control system in the speed. In case of presence of any problems drive away the car in dealer branch for carrying out of full diagnostics and system repair.