Jeep Grand Cherokee
+ Cars of mark Jeep Grand Cherokee
+ Options and routine maintenance
+ Рядный the six-cylinder engine
+ Engine V8
+ Procedure of the general and engine major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
- System of an electric equipment of the engine
The general information
Start of the engine from an auxiliary source
Check of a condition and replacement of wires of the battery
Removal and battery installation
Ignition system - the general information
Check of serviceability of functioning of system of ignition
Check of serviceability and replacement of the coil of ignition
Check of serviceability and replacement of the gauge of position of a camshaft
Removal and distributor installation
Charge system - the general information and safety measures
Check of serviceability of functioning of system of a charge
Removal and generator installation
Start system
Diagnostics of malfunctions of a starter without its removal from the car
Removal and starter installation
Removal and installation of the traction relay (engines in volume 4.0)
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Automatic transmission
+ Distributing box
+ Coupling and трансмиссионная a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ System of an onboard electric equipment
+ Controls and operation receptions
Removal and distributor installation
Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
If the radio tape recorder in your car is equipped by a security code before to disconnect from the battery a negative wire make sure that the given code know. |
Disunite on the distributor all clips, electric and штуцерные sockets. Preliminary mark wires and hoses for a guarantee of their correct installation at assemblage.
Find on a distributor cover an acting label in the form of the letter or figure. Such label specifies position of the plug of a wire of a spark plug of the first cylinder. If the label is absent, find a spark plug of the first cylinder and pass on its wire to a distributor cover, having defined thereby the demanded plug on it and draw under it on the case of the distributor to risk.
Find on a cover of the distributor the plug of a wire of a spark plug of the first cylinder and draw directly under it on the case to risk.
Uncover the distributor (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance) and turn the engine so that it бегунок has turned a nouse to a label answering to position of the plug of a wire of a candle of the first cylinder (the description of procedure of reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in position ВМТ in Head Rjadnyj the six-cylinder engine see).
Distributive labels on the engine in volume of 4.0 l.
Make sure of label combination on демпфере крутильных fluctuations with риской ВМТ (ТDС) on a cover of a distributive chain at simultaneous turn бегунка the distributor a nouse towards the plug of a wire of a candle of the first cylinder (a label on the distributor case).
Put on the brink of the case of the distributor a label directly opposite to a nouse бегунка the distributor and in parallel its axis (if бегунок it is equipped by the doubled nouse, put a label on the centre between them). Also put landing labels in the basis of the distributor for a guarantee of its correct installation at assemblage.
Mark position бегунка concerning the distributor case.
Mark position of the case of the distributor in relation to (arrow) engine (the engine in volume of 5.2 l with the inlet pipeline removed for descriptive reasons is shown).
If yet have not done it, disconnect wires of the gauge of ignition.
Give clamping a bolt () and remove the distributor.
After removal of the distributor do not turn a cranked shaft as it will lead рассовмещению distributive labels. |
Site of a clamping bolt of fastening of the distributor.
If the cranked shaft for any reason (or without it) was turned after removal of the distributor from the engine, the piston of the first cylinder before assemblage should be resulted in position ВМТ. It can be done by definition to the touch the moment of increase of pressure in a candle aperture of the cylinder at rotation of a cranked shaft. After occurrence компрессионного pressure should achieve combination of a zero mark of a distributive scale with an index edge. |
Establish on the distributor case a sealing ring.
Insert the distributor into a head of cylinders, сориентировав it it is absolute also as before removal (landing labels see).
Pay attention that on engines in volume of 4.0 l the distributor is equipped by a clamping bolt which can be screwed in in the engine block uniquely. At distributor lowering on the place бегунок turns a little. It should be considered at case installation. On engines in volume of 5.2 l turn бегунок before distributor introduction in the engine so that it has appeared is turned by a nouse to a label on the case (CYL № 1). |
Labels of alignment of position бегунка in relation to a label of the gauge of position of a camshaft on the distributor case.
Make sure of correct combination of landing labels of the basis of the distributor and a head of cylinders. Also check up, whether will turn бегунок to a label put on the case of the distributor during dismantle.
Freely screw clamping a bolt ().
The further installation make in an order, the return to a removal order. Check up installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance) and strongly tighten clamping a bolt ().