Spread out shatunno-piston assemblages and complete sets of new rings so that in the course of measurement of backlashes and assemblage of the engine of a ring have constantly been adhered"to the assemblages and cylinders.
Insert top (№ 1) a piston ring into the first cylinder of the engine and establish it to perpendicularly walls of the cylinder, having levelled by introduction in the cylinder of the piston the bottom forward. The ring should appear in the bottom part of the cylinder, around border of a course of rings.
For backlash check in the lock piston a ring it should be inserted into the cylinder and is levelled perpendicularly to its walls (it most easier to achieve, pushing a ring into the cylinder the piston bottom, as is shown in a picture).
For backlash measurement in the ring lock enter into space between end faces of a ring of an edge probeа, having picked up them so that their total thickness equaled to backlash size. Thus probe should slide in a backlash of the lock with easy resistance. Compare results of measurement to requirements of Specifications. If the backlash exceeds the maximum admissible value, once again make sure that the compared characteristic corresponds to the chosen ring.
Having established a ring it is perpendicular to cylinder walls, measure a backlash in its lock with the help probeа лезвийного type.
If the backlash is too small, it should be increased in avoidance смыкания the lock in the course of thermal expansion of a ring at engine work as it can lead to serious consequences. The backlash can be expanded by cautious растачивания ring end faces in its lock by a file. Clamp a file in a vice with soft sponges, put on a ring the lock a file and slowly pull it on itself, removing a material from end faces. Pull a ring only on itself (drawing see more low).
If the backlash in the lock is too small, clamp a file in a vice with soft sponges and, having put on it a ring the lock, pull it on itself, removing a few material from end faces.
The excessive backlash in the ring lock is not криминалом if does not exceed 1 mm. Again, once again check up the compared data on conformity to their checked ring. Make sure that the got set of rings corresponds to type of the engine of your car.
Repeat procedure for each of rings which will be established in the first cylinder, then pass to the remained cylinders. Remember necessity поддерживания conformity of rings to the pistons and cylinders.
After end of check/updating of backlashes in locks of piston rings, rings should be established on pistons.
By the first it is usually established маслосъемное a ring (bottom on the piston). It consists their three separate sections. At first insert into a flute on the piston a ring dilator. If the lock uvula is applied to prevention of rotation of a ring, insert it into drilling in a flute. Then establish the bottom lateral section of a ring. Do not use the tool for installation of rings for putting on on the piston of lateral sections маслосъемных rings. Instead get one end of section in a flute between a dilator and a wall of a flute and, firmly keeping its finger, gradually fill in a flute the section rest, spending with pressing on its perimetre a finger of other hand. Then, similar image, establish the second lateral section of a ring.
Installation in the bottom flute on the dilator piston маслосъемного rings.
Do not apply to installation of lateral sections маслосъемного a ring any special tool. |
After installation of all three sections маслосъемного rings make sure that both (top and bottom) its lateral sections freely rotate in a flute.
The second establishes an average (№ 2) компрессионное a ring. On it the label which should be turned at installation upwards, to the piston bottom is beaten usually out. The party of the second компрессионного rings with the removed facet should be turned downwards in all engines, on 6-cylinder engines the ring should be established by a label in the form of two points upwards, on engines V8 the identification label represents the drilling, the beaten out letter About, oval deepening or word TOР (top).
Without fail follow instructions on packing of a set of rings - various manufacturers can make various demands to an order of performance of the given procedure. Do not mix average компрессионное a ring with top - they have different cross-section sections. |
Take advantage of the special tool for installation of piston rings and track that the label on a ring has been turned upwards. Insert a ring into an average flute on the piston. Do not plant the lock of a ring more widely, than it really is required for its putting on on the piston.
Installation компрессионного rings by means of a dilator of rings - an identification label (if it is provided) should be turned upwards (arrow).
In a similar manner establish top (№ 1) компрессионное a ring. Track that the label (point) has been turned upwards. Do not mix the top ring with an average. The first (top) компрессионное the ring should be established by the party with the removed facet UPWARDS (whereas the second ring is put on by a facet DOWNWARDS). Usually the second ring aims from the top party two points, and the first (top) - one. Adhere to the instructions applied on the complete set.
The second компрессионное the ring should be established by a facet DOWNWARDS whereas the first (top) - UPWARDS - do not mix!
Repeat procedure for all remained pistons.