Jeep Grand Cherokee
+ Cars of mark Jeep Grand Cherokee
+ Options and routine maintenance
+ Рядный the six-cylinder engine
- Engine V8
The general information
The repair procedures, which performance does not demand extraction of the engine from the car
Reduction in position ВМТ of the piston of the first cylinder
Removal and installation of covers of heads of cylinders
Removal, check of a condition and installation коромысел and bars of pushers
Replacement клапанных springs, their plates and маслоотражательных caps
Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline
Removal and installation of final collectors
Removal and installation of heads of cylinders
Replacement of a forward epiploon of a cranked shaft
Removal, check of a condition and installation of a cover of the distributive chain, the chain and its asterisks
Removal, check of a condition and installation of a camshaft and hydraulic pushers
Removal and pallet installation картера
Removal, check of a condition and installation of the oil pump
Removal and installation of a flywheel/privodnogo of a disk
Replacement of a back radical epiploon
Check of a condition and replacement of rubber pillows of support of the engine
+ Procedure of the general and engine major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ System of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Automatic transmission
+ Distributing box
+ Coupling and трансмиссионная a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ System of an onboard electric equipment
+ Controls and operation receptions
Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline
Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
Empty cooling system (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance).
Remove air cleaner assemblage.
Dump pressure in the power supply system (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases).
Turn натяжитель drive a belt of hinged units so that there was a possibility to remove tape type a belt from a pulley. Remove a belt.
Having put on a key a bolt натяжителя, turn last clockwise so that there was a possibility to remove приводной a belt from a tension roller.
Remove the generator (the Head System of an electric equipment of the engine). On the models equipped with the conditioner of air remove the compressor and will put it aside.
Do not disconnect any refrigerator lines. |
Give three bolts of fastening of the pump of system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel. Will put the pump aside, having established it so that the hydraulic liquid followed from it on.
Access to fastening bolts наоса systems of hydrostrengthening of a wheel is possible through apertures in a pulley.
Remove a tension roller (it blocks access to one of arm bolts). Give bolts of fastening of an arm of the generator/compressor to a forward wall of the engine and remove an arm.
Access to one of arm bolts is closed by a tension roller - remove a roller, give a bolt and remove an arm.
Mark and disunite electric sockets of each of fuel injectors. Disconnect all vacuum lines attached to the inlet pipeline and the case of a throttle.
Disunite electric sockets of injectors of fuel and carefully mark them for a guarantee of correctness of installation of connection at assemblage.
Disunite the remained electric sockets on the inlet pipeline and the case of a throttle and, having delayed upwards, throw all plaits of wires through the inlet pipeline and bring them for the engine.
Remove in gathering fuel highways and injectors (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases). Both fuel highways can be taken a way вытягивания vertically upwards together with the injectors fixed in them, however, for extraction of injectors from the inlet pipeline it is required to make certain effort.
Remove from the engine the top hose of a radiator, then disconnect a hose of a heater and перепускной a hose of the water pump from the inlet pipeline.
Disconnect from the pipeline a hose of a heater and перепускной a hose of the water pump.
Disconnect draught of gas (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases) and if the car in appropriate way is equipped, draught темпостата. On models with АТ disconnect from the case of a throttle a cable of a drive throttle заслонки in a mode kik-daun (TV-cable).
Give two screws of fastening of a cover of the distributor (take advantage of a replaceable head with a drive on 1/4 inches and the suitable extension piece). Disconnect wires from spark plugs (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance). Spend a cover of the distributor with candle wires behind the inlet pipeline and take them from an impellent compartment.
Remove the block of distribution of depression from the driver's party of the pipeline and transfer it on an engine opposite side.
Give two bolts of fastening of a tube of system recycling the fulfilled gases (EGR) to the final collector located from the passenger party (Has undressed Removal and installation of final collectors).
Remove from a back part of the inlet pipeline valve EGR, is should provide access to the union of tube EGR which has been screwed in in a back part of the inlet pipeline, it is direct under valve EGR. Lift the receiver EGR.
Remove the inlet pipeline together with the case of a throttle attached to it. After the pipeline will appear separated from the engine, make sure that all wires and lines are disconnected from it.
Do not try the pipeline is hooked, having got the lever between it both the block of the engine and a head of cylinders as it is fraught with damage of interfaced surfaces with occurrence after depression losses. |
The inlet pipeline is enough громоздок also is heavy - before definitive removal from the engine make sure that all wires and lines are disconnected from it.
Interfaced surfaces of heads of cylinders, the block and the pipeline should be smoothed carefully out before installation of the last. Special solvents and aerosols for a softening of traces of a material of old linings are issued - ask in shops of automobile accessories. Strictly observe instructions of manufacturers of structures. |
Clean from channels of system EGR traces of a deposit and soot. With the help прокладочного a scraper carefully remove from interfaced surfaces all traces of hermetic and a material of an old lining, then wipe surfaces the rags moistened in acetone. Presence on interfaced surfaces of traces of hermetic or oil at pipeline installation is fraught with occurrence in the nearest future leaks of oil and depression losses. Cover a cavity of placing of pushers of valves with rags in order to avoid hit in the dust engine. For removal of small dust and sawdust from inlet ports in heads of cylinders take advantage of a vacuum cleaner.
Tap of the demanded size banish a carving болтовых apertures, having blown then apertures the compressed air (whenever possible) for removal from them a shaving.
At using the compressed air necessarily put on goggles. |
Grease turned to heads of cylinders the party of new linings of the inlet pipeline thin a layer of hermetic RTV.
Establish lateral linings of the pipeline on heads. Usually linings are marked from the party turned to the pipeline by labels LT (left) and RT (right) in this case their installation will be quite unequivocal. Track, that linings have been established on the correct party and with combination of apertures of all inlet ports, охладительных channels and болтовых apertures.
Linings should be established on the correct party; some of them can be equipped by labels LT (left) and RT (right) from the party turned to the pipeline, however necessarily it is necessary to track combination of apertures under ports and to make sure that cuts of lateral linings have coincided with uvulas on back and forward parts of a lining of a head of cylinders (marksman).
In the complete set of new linings plastic directing pins which are put in apertures along the edges of linings and in forward and back parts of the block can be enclosed. If such pins are enclosed, necessarily take advantage of them. If pins are not applied, squeeze out in apertures in the block of a few hermetic RTV. Put a thin uniform layer of quickly stiffening putty on face consolidations of the inlet pipeline and contact surfaces of the block of cylinders and press linings to the block, having allowed to hermetic RTV to be squeezed out through apertures in linings. The instructions applied on a set of linings more in detail see.
Squeeze out hermetic RTV in apertures under directing plugs (arrow) on the ends of linings.
If engine run makes more than 80 000 km (50 000 miles) and available there is a complete set of linings of the inlet pipeline, now it will be a high time to replace a lining between the inlet pipeline and the throttle case.
To the bottom part of the pipeline приболчен the pallet of the chamber of superfluous pressure. In case of need remove the pallet and carefully smooth out interfaced surfaces.
Remove the pallet of the chamber of superfluous pressure from the bottom part of the inlet pipeline and smooth out interfaced surfaces.
Establish the pallet on the pipeline, having replaced a lining and наживив bolts by hand. Tighten bolts with demanded effort in three stages and in an order shown on an illustration more low.
Order of a tightening of bolts of the pallet of the chamber of superfluous pressure.
Grease four corners of linings of the inlet pipeline on the engine with hermetic RTV, however do not squeeze out too much hermetic - it should act slightly only over forward and back linings.
Grease with hermetic RTV four corners where linings are joined to lateral linings.
Cautiously establish the pipeline on the place.
Try not to displace a lining and AT ALL do not move the pipeline forward-back after it will appear is pressed to forward and back consolidations, differently linings can appear shifted that it is easy not to notice, however in the nearest future it will lead to occurrence of leaks of oil. |
Establish bolts of the inlet pipeline and tighten them by hand. Then tighten bolts with demanded effort in three stages and in an order shown on an accompanying illustration.
Two lobbies and two back bolts are located more close others to water channels, therefore before installation of their carving should be greased by hermetic. |
Order of a tightening of bolts of fastening of the inlet pipeline.
The further installation make in an order, the return to a removal order. Start the engine and carefully check up it on leaks of oil, vacuum and a cooler through joints of interfaced surfaces of the inlet pipeline.