Jeep Grand Cherokee
+ Cars of mark Jeep Grand Cherokee
+ Options and routine maintenance
+ Рядный the six-cylinder engine
- Engine V8
The general information
The repair procedures, which performance does not demand extraction of the engine from the car
Reduction in position ВМТ of the piston of the first cylinder
Removal and installation of covers of heads of cylinders
Removal, check of a condition and installation коромысел and bars of pushers
Replacement клапанных springs, their plates and маслоотражательных caps
Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline
Removal and installation of final collectors
Removal and installation of heads of cylinders
Replacement of a forward epiploon of a cranked shaft
Removal, check of a condition and installation of a cover of the distributive chain, the chain and its asterisks
Removal, check of a condition and installation of a camshaft and hydraulic pushers
Removal and pallet installation картера
Removal, check of a condition and installation of the oil pump
Removal and installation of a flywheel/privodnogo of a disk
Replacement of a back radical epiploon
Check of a condition and replacement of rubber pillows of support of the engine
+ Procedure of the general and engine major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ System of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Automatic transmission
+ Distributing box
+ Coupling and трансмиссионная a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ System of an onboard electric equipment
+ Controls and operation receptions
Removal, check of a condition and installation коромысел and bars of pushers
Remove from heads of cylinders of a cover (Has undressed Removal and installation of covers of heads of cylinders).
Give bolts коромысел and remove their spherical support. The removed components spread out on a workbench in the organised order or combine in the marked packages/boxes for the purpose of their correct installation at assemblage.
Take bars of pushers and combine them also in the organised order (see an illustration more low) for an installation guarantee at assemblage on former places.
Each component клапанного the mechanism at assemblage should be established on the former place, therefore all should be put them after removal in the organised order. |
Bars of pushers is better to stick after removal in apertures of template specially made of a cardboard that guarantees correctness of their installation at assemblage - pay attention to an arrow specifying a direction forward on the engine.
Condition check
Check up each of коромысел on presence of signs of deterioration, cracks and other damages, special attention giving to the sites contacting to bars of pushers and cores of valves.
Remember that on the given engines necessity and possibility of adjustment of valves is absent, therefore strong deterioration of components клапанного the mechanism can easily lead to formation excessive клапанного a backlash that, in turn, will lead to occurrence of knock of valves at engine work. |
Make sure that passableness маслоподающих apertures in a bar of each of pushers is not broken that guarantees adequate greasing коромысел.
Check up bars of pushers on presence of cracks and signs of excessive deterioration of end faces. Take for a drive each bar on the big splinter of a windowpane, whether checking they are bent. In case of revealing of defects replace bars.
Turn the engine so that label V8 on демпфере was combined with label ВМТ on a cover of a distributive chain that corresponds to position of the piston of the first cylinder in a point 17,5 after ВМТ.
Before installation of bars of pushers and коромысел turn the engine so that the label V8 on демпфере was combined with label ВМТ on a cover.
Grease the bottom end faces of bars of pushers with pure impellent oil or молибденсодержащей greasing and establish bars on the former places. Track, that bars have completely sat down in nests in pushers.
Grease end faces of cores of valves and the top end faces of bars of pushers молибденсодержащей with greasing, then establish коромысла on hairpins on the engine.
Establish assemblages of spherical support and fastening bolts коромысел. Tighten bolts with demanded effort.
Do not turn the engine at least within 5 minutes after installation of bars of pushers and коромысел - roller type hydraulic pushers should "settle". |
Establish into place a cover of heads of cylinders (Has undressed Removal and installation of covers of heads of cylinders). Start the engine, hear to it on presence of the extraneous noise published клапанным by the mechanism and check up it on leaks around joints of covers with heads.
Do not raise speed of rotation of the engine above turns of fast idling before filling of pushers with oil then they should start to work again silently. |