Jeep Grand Cherokee
+ Cars of mark Jeep Grand Cherokee
+ Options and routine maintenance
+ Рядный the six-cylinder engine
- Engine V8
The general information
The repair procedures, which performance does not demand extraction of the engine from the car
Reduction in position ВМТ of the piston of the first cylinder
Removal and installation of covers of heads of cylinders
Removal, check of a condition and installation коромысел and bars of pushers
Replacement клапанных springs, their plates and маслоотражательных caps
Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline
Removal and installation of final collectors
Removal and installation of heads of cylinders
Replacement of a forward epiploon of a cranked shaft
Removal, check of a condition and installation of a cover of the distributive chain, the chain and its asterisks
Removal, check of a condition and installation of a camshaft and hydraulic pushers
Removal and pallet installation картера
Removal, check of a condition and installation of the oil pump
Removal and installation of a flywheel/privodnogo of a disk
Replacement of a back radical epiploon
Check of a condition and replacement of rubber pillows of support of the engine
+ Procedure of the general and engine major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ System of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Automatic transmission
+ Distributing box
+ Coupling and трансмиссионная a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ System of an onboard electric equipment
+ Controls and operation receptions
Removal, check of a condition and installation of a camshaft and hydraulic pushers
The given models of cars are equipped by safety pillows. The pillow constantly is in readiness and can work to (be inflated) at any moment at the connected battery. In order to avoid casual operation of system (and receptions as a result of a trauma) each time at work with components of a pillow of safety (including gauges of blow which can be located near to a forward lattice/bumper) disconnect from the battery a negative wire. After battery switching-off before starting to work it is necessary to wait not less than 2 minutes (the system is equipped by the condenser of a delay which should be discharged completely). The Head the System of an onboard electric equipment more in detail see. |
Air central air constantly is under pressure. Do not weaken штуцерные connection of lines and do not disconnect systems any of components before carrying out of its discharge. The coolant should be extorted from system in the special compensatory-regenerative ERA-BLOCK at station of dealer branch or in a specialised workshop of car-care centre. At рассоединении system lines necessarily put on goggles! |
Measurement of height of working ledges (lifting) of cams of a camshaft
Check of height of working ledges of cams is made for the purpose of an estimation of degree of deterioration of a shaft and carried out before removal of a shaft from the engine.
Uncover heads of cylinders (Has undressed Removal and installation of covers of heads of cylinders).
Result the piston of the first cylinder in position ВМТ of a step of compression (Has undressed Reduction in position ВМТ of the piston of the first cylinder). Fix циферблатный a measuring instrument on the engine so that it плунжер it has appeared it is coaxial to a bar of a pusher and rested in коромысло the first piston (the six-cylinder engine see an illustration in Head Rjadnyj).
Null a measuring instrument and start to turn very slowly a camshaft in a normal direction (clockwise) until the arrow of the device will not stand on the maximum indication and will not start to fall back. The maximum indication of a measuring instrument fixes to the maximum height of lifting of a cam.
Write down the indication, then return the piston in position ВМТ of a step of compression.
Establish a measuring instrument over коромыслом the second valve of the first cylinder and repeat procedure. Accurately write down results of all measurements.
Repeat check for valves of the remained cylinders. As everyone their pistons during check should be in position ВМТ of a step of compression, pass from one of them to another most easier as ignition (Specifications see).
On termination of measurements divide all written down results on 1.5 for reception of the general height of lifting of each of cams (коромысла provide transfer number 1.5:1). Compare results of calculations to requirements of Specifications. If lifting of a cam less admissible on 0,08 mm, a camshaft is considered value Specifications worn out and is subject to replacement.
Camshaft removal
Make a discharge of a central air of air in dealer branch or a specialised workshop where there is a corresponding equipment.
Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
Remove the inlet pipeline, коромысла, bars of pushers, a distributive chain with camshaft asterisks.
Remove the distributor (the Head System of an electric equipment of the engine). Remove a radiator, forward (радиаторную) a lattice and the condenser of the conditioner of air.
For maintenance of necessary working space (for camshaft removal) there can be a necessity in отболчивании and removal of a vertical support of a clamp of the lock of a cowl (the Head the Body). |
Roller type hydraulic pushers should be marked a paint from lateral aspect. It is not possible to find out such labels, mark pushers independently before taking them.
At installation pushers necessarily should be in the correct image сориентированы in avoidance рассовмещения маслоподающих apertures. |
Pay attention to the labels (arrow) put by a paint showing what party roller pushers should be turned outside - if it is not possible to find out a label, put them independently.
Give three bolts and remove the holder of pushers.
Give three bolts (arrow) and remove the holder of pushers.
There are some ways of extraction of hydraulic pushers from their nests. The special tool intended for capture and extraction of pushers, however necessity for its application is issued by many companies is not strictly obligatory. On rather new engines where нагарообразование it is insignificant pushers frequently it is possible to take from nests by means of a magnet or even manually. For поддевания pushers well approaches also metalwork чертилка with the bent edge which is got under the lock ring established in the top part of each pusher.
Application for capture of pushers is not supposed AT ALL (if only they are not subject to replacement) flat-nose pliers - their sponges can easily damage superficial training of walls of pushers that is equivalent to their conclusion out of operation. |
Remove directing pushers and pushers. To put components follows in the organised order guaranteeing possibility of their installation at assemblage on the former places - is better to prepare specially marked boxes in advance.
Remove pushers and directing, employees for prevention of rotation of pushers of roller type in the nests.
Отболтите also remove a persistent plate of a camshaft and an oil lath. Remember how the lath has been established on the engine that at assemblage to establish it similarly.
Remove a persistent plate of a camshaft and an oil lath.
Screw a long bolt in an aperture in a camshaft end face - it can be used as the handle at extraction of a shaft from the block.
Cautiously take a camshaft from the engine. In order to avoid damage of bearings at carrying out through them of shaft cams try to support last in the course of removal by the second hand as it is possible more close to the block.
Condition check
After the camshaft will be taken from the engine, it is necessary for washing out in solvent and to dry up, then to check up necks of bearings on presence of cavities, traces of jamming and non-uniform deterioration. If necks are damaged, probably damaged there will be also loose leaves of corresponding bearings in the block. To replacement in this case are subject both a shaft, and loose leaves.
Replacement of bearings of a camshaft demands application of special tools and a certain experience that is why lies out of limits of qualification of the average mechanic-fan and in the given Management is not considered. If bearings are in bad condition, the engine is necessary for removing from the car and to deliver in a workshop of car-care centre for the qualified performance of the given work. |
If necks are found in a satisfactory condition, measure by a micrometer their diameters. Write down results of measurements. Measurement of diameter should be made in several points of each neck (both on length of a neck, and on its forming surface) is will help to reveal its ovality and конусность.
Check up camshaft cams on presence of traces of an overheat, scratches, having chopped off, cavities and traces of non-uniform deterioration. If cams are found in a satisfactory condition and results of measurement of height of their liftings meet requirements of Specifications, the camshaft is subject to the further use
In case of engine equipment by hydraulic pushers of usual flat type the camshaft should be replaced each time at change of pushers, and on the contrary. However, if pushers of roller type are established, carrying over of suitable pushers on a new shaft is quite admissible, however, to establish each of pushers follows necessarily in the former nest.
After careful cleaning attentively examine rollers of pushers on presence of signs of deterioration and damages, make sure that they rotate freely.
Rollers (if they are provided) in hydraulic pushers should rotate freely, without закусываний - check up them also on presence of signs of deterioration and excessive люфта.
Grease cams and necks of a camshaft with assembly impellent greasing.
Before camshaft installation grease its cams and necks with assembly impellent greasing.
Pass the tool for camshaft keeping (С-3509, or its equivalent) in an aperture under the distributor. Application of the given tool will prevent too deep landing of a shaft and выбивание a spherical stopper in a back part of the block. The tool should remain on a place until the distributive chain will be established.
If to get the special tool it is not possible, get a shaft in the block very slowly and cautiously, trying to avoid выбивания a stopper. If tightness of installation of a stopper appears broken, there will be very strong leaks of oil. |
The scheme of using tool S-3509 at camshaft installation.
Slowly insert a camshaft into the engine. Support a shaft the second hand as it is possible more close to the block and try not to damage bearings at a wire through them of shaft cams. Do not enter a shaft more deeply than it is necessary for installation of a persistent plate and an oil lath.
Establish a distributive chain with asterisks (Has undressed Removal, check of a condition and installation of a cover of the distributive chain, the chain and its asterisks). Combine distributive labels on asterisks of cranked and distributive shaft.
Establish into place the distributor (the Head System of an electric equipment of the engine).
After combination by correct image of asterisks of shaft, бегунок the distributor should turn to the plug of a wire of a spark plug of the sixth cylinder. |
Grease pushers with pure impellent oil and establish them in the block. If replacement of pushers was not made, they should be established in the former nests the marked paint the party to a cavity. Establish directing (arrows to a camshaft) and the holder of pushers.
The further installation make in an order, the return to a removal order.
Remove impellent oil, add картерный the conditioner of type Mopar (№ 3419130) or an equivalent and establish the new oil filter (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance).
Start the engine check up it on leaks and check pressure of oil.
Do not lift frequency of rotation of the engine above turns of fast idling until hydraulic pushers will not be filled with oil and again will not start to work silently. |
If replacement of a camshaft or pushers has been made, the engine is necessary for warming up to normal working temperature and to force it to work on turns of fast idling during at least 15 - 20 minutes for extra earnings of components. After that again replace oil and the oil filter.