Level check трансмиссионного oils of a manual transmission (РКПП) (each 12 000 km (7500 miles) run, or times in 6 months)
Carter РКПП is equipped by a stopper of the control of level/gulf of oil which for level check трансмиссионной liquids should be removed. If for providing of access to a stopper the car has to be поддомкрачен, take care of reliability of its fastening on props - AT ALL do not make any works under the car, fixed in the lifted condition only by means of a jack (ов)! Track that the car has been established strictly horizontally, otherwise it will be impossible to consider results of check authentic.
With the help рожкового a key unscrew a stopper from картера boxes and enter into a jellied aperture a little finger. Liquid level should reach the bottom cut of a jellied aperture.
Jellied stopper РКПП is located on its wall картера.
If item 1 condition is not carried out, it is recommended to make having added oils of a demanded grade by means of a syringe or a butterdish with elastic walls.
Establish a stopper into place and tighten it. Whether after the several first kilometres of run check up there are no oil leaks.