Jeep Grand Cherokee

1993-1999 of release

Repair and car operation

Jeep Grand Cherokee
+ Cars of mark Jeep Grand Cherokee
- Options and routine maintenance
   - The schedule of routine maintenance Jeep Cherokee
      The general information on options
      Checks of levels of liquids (each 400 km (250 miles) run or weekly)
      Check of a condition of tyres and pressure in them (each 400 km (250 miles) run or weekly)
      Check of level of a liquid of automatic transmission (each 400 km (250 miles) run or weekly)
      Check of level of a liquid of system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel (each 4800 km (3000 miles) run or times in 3 months)
      Change of impellent oil and the oil filter (each 4800 km (3000 miles) run or times in 3 months)
      Check and battery service (each 4800 km (3000 miles) run or times in 3 months)
      Check of serviceability of system of cooling (each 4800 km (3000 miles) run or times in 3 months)
      Check of a condition and replacement of hoses passing under a cowl (each 4800 km (3000 miles) run or times in 3 months)
      Check of a condition and replacement of brushes of screen wipers (each 4800 km (3000 miles) run or times in 3 months)
      Check of a condition of a suspension bracket and steering
      Check of a condition of system of release of the fulfilled gases (each 12 000 km (7500 miles) run, or times in 6 months)
      Level check трансмиссионного oils of a manual transmission (РКПП) (each 12 000 km (7500 miles) run, or times in 6 months)
      Check of level of oil of a distributing box all-wheel drive (4WD) models (each 12 000 km (7500 miles) run, or times in 6 months)
      Check of level of oil of differential (each 12 000 km (7500 miles) run, or times in 6 months)
      Rotation of wheels (each 12 000 km (7500 miles) run, or times in 6 months)
      Check of a condition of brake mechanisms (each 12 000 km (7500 miles) run, or times in 6 months)
      Check of a condition of components of the power supply system (each 12 000 km (7500 miles) run, or times in 6 months)
      Condition check, adjustment of a tension and replacement drive a belt (each 12 000 km (7500 miles) run, or times in 6 months)
      Check of a condition of seat belts (each 12 000 km (7500 miles) run, or times in 6 months)
      Check of functioning of the gauge-switch of the permission of start (only models with АТ) (each 12 000 km (7500 miles) run, or times in 6 months)
      Chassis greasing (each 12 000 km (7500 miles) run, or times in 6 months)
      Replacement of the air filter (each 48 000 km (30 000 miles) run, or times in two years)
      Replacement of a liquid and the filter of automatic transmission (each 48 000 km (30 000 miles) run, or times in two years)
      Adjustment of tapes of automatic transmission (АТ) (models since 1994 вып.) (each 48 000 km (30 000 miles) run, or times in two years)
      Replacement трансмиссионного oils of a manual box (switching) of transfers (РКПП) (each 48 000 km (30 000 miles) run, or times in two years)
      Change of oil of a distributing box (model 4WD) (each 48 000 km (30 000 miles) run, or times in two years)
      Change of oil of differential (each 48 000 km (30 000 miles) run, or times in two years)
      Service of system of cooling (опорожнение, washing and refuelling) (each 48 000 km (30 000 miles) run, or times in two years)
      Check of a condition and replacement of the valve of system of operated ventilation картера (PCV) (engines V8) (each 48 000 km (30 000 miles) run, or times in two years)
      Check, procleaning and replacement of a hose of system of continuous ventilation картера (CCV) (6 cylinder engines) (each 48 000 km (30 000 miles) run, or times in two years)
      Check of serviceability of functioning of system of catching of steams of fuel (each 48 000 km (30 000 miles) run, or times in two years)
      Cleaning of the filter of ventilation картера (engines V8) (each 48 000 km (30 000 miles) run, or times in two years)
      Replacement of the fuel filter (each 48 000 km (30 000 miles) run, or times in two years)
      Replacement of spark plugs (each 48 000 km (30 000 miles) run, or times in two years)
      Check of a condition of candle wires, covers and бегунка the distributor (each 48 000 km (30 000 miles) run, or times in two years)
+ Рядный the six-cylinder engine
+ Engine V8
+ Procedure of the general and engine major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ System of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Automatic transmission
+ Distributing box
+ Coupling and трансмиссионная a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ System of an onboard electric equipment
+ Controls and operation receptions


Check of a condition of system of release of the fulfilled gases (each 12 000 km (7500 miles) run, or times in 6 months)


    At the cold engine (after at least three hours after trip end) completely examine system of release from a final collector to an exhaust pipe cut. Try not to touch with open sites of a body to каталитическому to the converter which can remain it is strong разогретым and after three hours after an engine stop. For maintenance of an unimpeded access to components of system of release check should be spent on lifted on лебедке or the car established on a platform/prop. Check up exhaust pipes and knots of joining of sections of system on presence of traces of leaks of the fulfilled gases and-or the corrosion, being signs of a coming nearer exit of elements of system out of operation. Make sure that all arms and подвесы systems are in a satisfactory condition and are reliably fixed. Examine the car bottom on presence of holes, traces of the corrosion, the dispersed seams and other defects thanks to which there can be a penetration of the fulfilled gases into car salon. Загерметизируйте all apertures silicone or кузовной шпаклевкой. Arising at movement of the car the roar and other noise can often appear a consequence of failure of components of system of release, in particular its arms, support, подвесов, and also easings of fixture of thermofilters. Try to move pipes, mufflers and каталитический the converter. If any of components contact with elements of a suspension bracket or a car body, fix their new подвесами and arms.
    Check up rubber components of support and подвесов systems of release of the fulfilled gases on presence of signs of damages.