Jeep Grand Cherokee1993-1999 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Jeep Grand Cherokee + Cars of mark Jeep Grand Cherokee + Options and routine maintenance + Рядный the six-cylinder engine + Engine V8 + Procedure of the general and engine major repairs + Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning + The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases + System of an electric equipment of the engine + Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management + Manual box of a gear change - Automatic transmission The general information Diagnostics of malfunctions - the general information Removal and installation of the lever of switching Check of a condition and adjustment of a cable of switching The description, replacement and adjustment of a cable of a drive throttle заслонки in a mode kik-daun (TV-cable) Serviceability check, adjustment and replacement of the gauge-switch of the permission of start Adjustment of a cable lay блокиратора Check of a condition and replacement of a support of transmission Epiploon replacement The design description, removal and installation of lines and hoses of cooling of transmission Removal and installation of an additional cooler Removal and installation of automatic transmission Replacement of the module of management with transmission (ТСМ) (only for АW-4 and 42RЕ) Diagnostics of system of electronic control by automatic transmission + Distributing box + Coupling and трансмиссионная a line + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + System of an onboard electric equipment + Controls and operation receptions |
Diagnostics of system of electronic control by automatic transmission Arrangement of a diagnostic socket in car salon
Conclusions of a diagnostic socket
Appointment of conclusions of a socket of the block of management as transmission
Arrangement of elements of management
Codes of diagnostics of automatic transmission 42RE (the engine 4.0) Blinking codes are displayed by a control lamp of deenergizing of raising transfer. Before the beginning of reading of codes check up reliability of all electric sockets and level трансмиссионной liquids. Twice switch on and off ignition, again include. The switch of a mode of raising transfer should be in normal – the included position. Delivery of codes will begin immediately. The code 55 designates the end of delivery of codes. For removal of codes take out for short time a transmission safety lock in a box or a conducting plait. Do not disconnect the battery since codes of other control systems of the car will leave. At scanner use (DRB III it is recommended Chrysler) or the personal computer for reading of codes connect it to the diagnostic socket located in the left part of the instrument panel, over an accelerator pedal.