Jeep Grand Cherokee1993-1999 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Jeep Grand Cherokee + Cars of mark Jeep Grand Cherokee + Options and routine maintenance + Рядный the six-cylinder engine + Engine V8 + Procedure of the general and engine major repairs + Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning + The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases + System of an electric equipment of the engine + Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management + Manual box of a gear change + Automatic transmission + Distributing box + Coupling and трансмиссионная a line - Brake system The general information System of antiblocking of brakes (ABS) - the general information Replacement колодок disk brake mechanisms Removal, major repairs and installation of a support of the disk brake mechanism Condition check, removal and installation of a brake disk Replacement of boots of drum-type brake mechanisms Removal, major repairs and installation of wheel cylinders Removal and installation of the combined valve (regulator) Removal and installation of the main brake cylinder Check of a condition and replacement of brake hoses and lines Prorolling of brake system Functioning check, removal and installation of the vacuum amplifier of brakes Functioning check, removal, installation and adjustment of the gauge-switch of stoplights Adjustment of a lay brake Replacement of cables of a drive of a lay brake Replacement of boots of a lay brake (disk brake mechanisms of back wheels) + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + System of an onboard electric equipment + Controls and operation receptions |
The general information Cars considered in a given Management are equipped by hydraulic forward and back brake mechanisms. Forward wheels are equipped by disk brake mechanisms of ventilated type (with ventilated disks), back - drum-type mechanisms (all models 1993 and some of 1994 вып.) or disk, continuous type (with continuous disks) (some of models 1994 and all 1995 вып.). Both forward, and back disk brake mechanisms are equipped by devices of automatic indemnification of deterioration колодок while drum-type mechanisms are supplied by the devices of self-regulation put in action at braking moving backing of the car. Hydraulic system The hydraulic system is divided into two independent contours. The main cylinder is equipped by two tanks and in case of occurrence of leak or refusal of one of contours, another remains on former efficient. A signal of refusal of any of contours or hits in them of air is fire of the control lamp which inclusion is carried out by replacement of the piston of a part combined valve of the differential switch of pressure from its normal "equilibrium" position. Assemblage of the main brake cylinder with the tank On all models it is used special, type ABS, the main brake cylinder. ABS the block by an action principle is rather close to the cylinder of usual type: At squeezing of a brake pedal the pusher connecting a pedal with the amplifier of brakes, moves forward. Here the effort put to a pedal of a brake, is increased and told to pistons in the ABS-cylinder that leads to increase of hydraulic pressure in contours. The main difference of cylinder ABS from the cylinder of usual type is application instead of cuffs on its pistons of special valves. In view of uniqueness of the design the main brake cylinder ABS of type is not subject to repair not only in house conditions, but also even forces of experts of car-care centre. In default the block should be replaced in gathering. The main brake cylinders of models 1993 and 1994 вып. Are equipped by two jellied covers; on cylinders of models 1995 вып. There is only one cover. Blocks are not interchangeable. Unique replaceable components of assemblage of the main cylinder are the tank, its adjusting rubber plugs and connecting hoses. The combined valve-regulator The combined valve established on the main brake cylinder, carries out some functions: As the measuring valve (terminator), it limits the effort developed by forward brake mechanisms until pressure in a forward contour will not reach preliminary established value and there will be no activation of back brake mechanisms. The regulator provides the control over final pressure of a back brake contour after achievement by inlet pressure of preliminary established value that allows to avoid premature blocking of back wheels at high brake loadings. Besides, the design of the combined valve allows to support a total pressure in one of brake contours in case of failure of the second. Included in valve structure the differential alarm gauge-switch continuously compares the pressure developed in forward and back contours. In default in system on the panel of devices the alarm lamp of red colour lights up. The lamp continues to remain included until malfunction will not be eliminated. The amplifier of brakes Двухдиафрагменный, operated vacuum and established on a partition of an impellent compartment, the amplifier of brakes in the work uses a difference between pressure in the inlet pipeline and environment, providing additional effort to brake mechanisms operated hydraulics. Blocks of amplifiers of brakes of models 1993 and 1994 вып. Are equipped by the gauge of a course of a brake pedal of system ABS. Since 1995 the given gauges have ceased to be established that explains certain difference of their amplifiers from the blocks applied on earlier models. It is necessary to remember that blocks of different types are not interchangeable. Lay brake The lay brake consists of a control lever established between forward seats of the car, drivers the cables connecting the lever with back brake mechanisms, the device of balancing of a tension of cables of a drive of mechanisms of each of back wheels and brake boots of a lay brake. On all models 1993 and 1994 вып., the back wheels equipped with drum-type brake mechanisms, the lay brake influences boots actually mechanisms of wheels. On models 1994 вып., the back wheels equipped with disk brake mechanisms and all models 1995 вып. Small boots of a lay brake are placed in naves of disks of back brake mechanisms (naves are used thus as drums of a lay brake). Service After end of any of the procedures, demanding dismantling of brake system any of parts before to start car operation without fail make its trial runs for check of serviceability of functioning of brakes and efficiency of braking. Check of brakes make on a pure, dry and equal road covering. Default of the given requirement can does results of check doubtful. Check functioning of brakes at various speeds of movement of the car both at weak, and at strong squeezing of a brake pedal. Vehicle braking should be made in regular intervals, without jerks and its withdrawals aside. Avoid blocking of brakes as movement юзом conducts to deterioration of protectors and reduces controllability of the car. It is necessary to carry to the factors influencing efficiency of braking of the car also its loading, a condition of tyres and correctness of adjustment of corners of installation of forward wheels. |