Jeep Grand Cherokee
+ Cars of mark Jeep Grand Cherokee
+ Options and routine maintenance
+ Рядный the six-cylinder engine
+ Engine V8
+ Procedure of the general and engine major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ System of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Automatic transmission
+ Distributing box
- Coupling and трансмиссионная a line
The general information
Coupling - the general description and check of serviceability of functioning
Removal and installation of components of hydraulic system of deenergizing of coupling
Removal, check of a condition and installation of components of coupling
Removal, check of a condition and installation выжимного the coupling bearing
Check of a condition and replacement of the directing bearing
Kardannye shaft, differentials and bridges - the general information
Condition check трансмиссионной lines
Removal and installation карданных shaft
Replacement карданных hinges
Replacement of an epiploon of a shaft of a leading gear wheel of differential
Removal, service and installation of a nave and bearings (forward wheel)
Removal, major repairs and installation of a forward power shaft
Removal and installation of assemblage of the forward bridge
Removal and installation of a back semiaxis and bearing assemblage
Removal and installation of assemblage of the back bridge
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ System of an onboard electric equipment
+ Controls and operation receptions
Removal, major repairs and installation of a forward power shaft
The given procedure is applicable only to models 4WD. |
Removal (the left or external right power shaft)
Remove assemblage of a nave of a forward wheel with the bearing (Has undressed Removal, service and installation of a nave and bearings (a forward wheel)). Remove a board of the disk brake mechanism.
Remove a board of the disk brake mechanism.
Holding a power shaft in parallel a bridge axis, take out it from a bridge sleeve. Try not to damage thus the epiploon of a shaft located on the internal end of a sleeve where the shaft, equipped шлицами the end enters into differential.
After removal of assemblage of a nave the power shaft can be taken from a bridge sleeve, trying to hold it it is coaxial to the last.
Major repairs
Одношарнирный карданный knot
Follow instructions Replacement карданных hinges Has undressed, but pay attention that lock rings are established in ears of the holder крестовины and drowned in flutes of covers of bearings. Rings are taken by поддевания by their screw-driver.
Assemblage components карданного the hinge of a forward power shaft. |
Push out lock rings from flutes in bearings карданного the hinge by means of a small screw-driver.
Hinges of equal angular speeds (CV)
Components the SHRUS of double indemnification (CV-hinge)
The external CV-hinge of a forward power shaft is not subject to repair - in case of deterioration or damage replacement of all assemblage is made. However, the hinge can and should be disassembled, cleaned and filled fresh greasing in case of damage of a protective cover. |
Cut off both bandages of fastening of a protective cover of the hinge, remove and throw out them. Shift a cover back on a shaft.
Clamp a power shaft in a vice. Between sponges of a vice and shaft in order to avoid damage of the last the rags should be laid. By means of a hammer and established on an internal holder brass выколотки beat out the hinge from a shaft.
Bring down assemblage of the CV-hinge from a power shaft by means of a hammer and brass выколотки (do not suppose assemblage falling!).
Take a power shaft from a vice. Clamp in a vice hinge assemblage (a pin downwards). Again take care of protection of a surface of a pin against damage by sponges of a vice. Knock on an internal holder brass выколоткой, having inclined it enough for a possibility of extraction of a ball of the bearing. Repeat procedure while all balls will not be taken. For extraction from a separator of the "become attached" balls take advantage of a screw-driver.
Incline an internal holder, having provided possibility of extraction of the first ball - take advantage brass выколоткой.
In case of need take "the become attached" balls by means of a screw-driver.
After extraction of all balls incline assemblage of an internal holder with a separator under 90 , achieve combination of windows of a separator with acting platforms of an external holder (the hinge case) and take assemblage from an external holder.
Incline assemblage of an internal holder with a separator on 90 , then achieve combination of windows of a separator with platforms on internal walls of the case of the hinge, turn and take assemblage from the case.
Pass one of ledges of an internal holder in a window of a separator and, having turned, take a holder from a separator.
Pass one of ledges of an internal holder in a separator window, then turn a holder and take it from a separator.
Wash out all components in solvent and dry them by means of compressed air (in the presence of access to a source of that). Check up a separator and holders on presence of cavities, scratches, cracks and other signs of damage and deterioration. Presence заполированных to shine of sites is admissible and does not render influence on CV-hinge work.
Check up ledges and deepenings of an internal holder of the hinge on presence of cavities and scratches.
Examine on presence of cracks, cavities and scratches a separator (presence заполированных places is admissible and does not render negative influence for CV-hinge work).
Insert an internal holder into a separator, operating in an order, the return described in item 9.
Establish assemblage of a separator with an internal holder in an external holder of the hinge (operate in an order, the return offered in item 8). The separator should be established in the case of the hinge the party of smaller diameter outside, and the lock flute of an internal holder should appear turned in the hinge.
Insert balls into separator windows.
Having achieved combination of windows of a separator with flutes under installation of balls in internal and external holders, incline a separator with an internal holder, serially inserting into them balls.
Fill assemblage of the CV-hinge by greasing, having squeezed out in its internal, equipped шлицами an aperture, half of contents applied to ремнабору for (CV-hinges and their covers) capacities. Knock down greasing in the bearing, having filled wooden брусок in equipped шлицами an aperture and having entered it against the stop into a hinge bottom. Repeat procedure, achieving qualitative stuffing of the hinge (second half of contents of capacity leave for stuffing in a hinge cover).
Fill the hinge greasing through equipped шлицами an aperture in an internal holder; задавливайте greasing in the hinge by means of wooden бруска corresponding diameter, entering last against the stop into a hinge bottom.
Wrap up equipped шлицами a part of a power shaft an insulating tape in order to avoid damage of a protective cover of the hinge. Establish smaller diameter a bandage of fastening of a cover in a flute on smaller diameter to the cover party, then pull a cover on a power shaft. Remove an insulating tape and squeeze out the rest applied to ремнабору greasings in a cover.
Establish on a shaft replaceable lock and remote rings.
Put on a shaft the CV-hinge so that the internal holder has made contact with an internal lock ring.
Establish in the flute on a cover a fixing bandage большего diameter and pull a cover on an external holder (case) of the hinge.
Tighten bandages.
Installation make upside-down. If the intermediate shaft of a two-level power shaft acted in film, establish on a differential cover a new lining and fill in in differential oil of a demanded grade (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance).