Jeep Grand Cherokee
- Cars of mark Jeep Grand Cherokee
+ Identification numbers of the car
Acquisition of spare parts
+ Technics of service, the tool and the workplace equipment
+ Поддомкрачивание and towage
Start of the engine from the auxiliary power supply
+ Automobile химикалии, oils and greasings
- Diagnostics of malfunctions
The engine
Engine electric equipment
The power supply system
Cooling system
Manual box of a gear change (РКПП)
Automatic transmission (АТ)
Distributing box
Kardannyj shaft
Brake system
Suspension bracket and steering
+ Options and routine maintenance
+ Рядный the six-cylinder engine
+ Engine V8
+ Procedure of the general and engine major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ System of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Automatic transmission
+ Distributing box
+ Coupling and трансмиссионная a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ System of an onboard electric equipment
+ Controls and operation receptions
The engine
The engine is not turned at attempt of its start
Corrosion of plugs of the battery or ослабло fastening on them of tips of wires takes place. Check up a condition of plugs and tips. Tighten клеммные clips, if necessary remove corrosion traces.
The battery is discharged or faulty. If tips of wires are found pure and reliably fixed on battery plugs, turn the ignition key in position ON, then include head headlights and-or windscreen cleaners. If the given electric equipment does not function, the battery is discharged.
Transmission is poor established in position Р (АТ) or on neutral transfer (РКПП), or coupling is not completely squeezed out.
Conducting in a chain of system of start or ослабло fastening of wires on plugs is torn off. Check up a condition of wires, plugs and electric sockets of the battery, the traction relay of a starter and the ignition lock.
The starter gear wheel is jammed in a gear wreath of a flywheel. On the models equipped РКПП translate it on transfer and, потолкав manually the car, turn that its engine. At the first possibility remove a starter and check up a condition of a gear wheel and a gear wreath of a flywheel.
The traction relay of a starter (the Head System of an electric equipment of the engine) is faulty.
The starter (the Head System of an electric equipment of the engine) is faulty.
The ignition lock (the Head System of an onboard electric equipment) is faulty.
The engine is turned, but not started
The fuel tank is empty.
Malfunction in system of injection of fuel (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases) takes place.
The battery (the engine is turned too slowly) is discharged. Check up electric equipment functioning (see Has undressed the Engine it is not turned at attempt of its start).
Скорродировали клеммные connections of the battery or ослабло their fastening (see Has undressed the Engine it is not turned at attempt of its start).
The fuel pump (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases) is faulty.
Components of system of ignition (the Head System of an electric equipment of the engine) are damaged or excessively humidified.
Spark plugs are worn out or faulty or the candle backlash (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance) is incorrectly exposed.
Conducting of an electric contour of system of start or ослабло fastening of wires on plugs (see (see Has undressed the Engine it is not turned at attempt of its start) is torn off or disconnected.
Conducting of a contour of the coil of ignition or ослабло fastening of wires on coil plugs (the Head System of an electric equipment of the engine) is torn off or disconnected.
The starter functions without проворачивания the engine
The starter gear wheel is jammed. Remove a starter (the Head System of an electric equipment of the engine) and check up its condition.
Teeth of a gear wheel of a starter or flywheel wreath are worn out or damaged. Uncover in a back part of the engine and examine.
Start of the cold engine is complicated
The battery (see Has undressed the Engine it is not turned at attempt of its start) is discharged or insufficiently charged.
Malfunction of components of the power supply system or electric equipment (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases and System of an electric equipment of the engine) takes place.
Start of the hot engine is complicated
The air filter (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance) is blocked.
Malfunction of components of the power supply system or electric equipment (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases and System of an electric equipment of the engine) takes place.
Fuel does not reach injectors of system of injection (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases).
Starter gearing occurs is too noisy or with difficulty
Teeth of a gear wheel of a starter or flywheel wreath are worn out or damaged. Uncover in a back part of the engine (if that is provided) and examine.
Bolts of fastening of a starter or ослабло effort of their tightening are lost.
The engine is started, but immediately глохнет
Electroconducting or ослабло fastening of wires on plugs of the distributor, the coil or the generator is faulty.
Malfunction of components of the power supply system or electric equipment (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases and System of an electric equipment of the engine) takes place.
Depression losses through прокладочные surfaces of the inlet pipeline or the block of injection of fuel take place. Make sure of reliability of an inhaling of fixing bolts/nuts, check up the fact and quality of fastening on the unions on the inlet pipeline of all vacuum hoses. Check up a condition of hoses and correctness of their connection (to the unions).
Stability of work of the engine on single turns is broken
Depression losses take place. Make sure of reliability of an inhaling of fixing bolts/nuts, check up the fact and quality of fastening on the unions on the inlet pipeline of all vacuum hoses. Hear to the working engine by means of a stethoscope or a piece of a fuel hose. Presence of a hissing sound will allow to reveal a source of "leak" of vacuum. Not less effectively it is possible to take advantage for check by a solution of soap water.
Malfunction of components of the power supply system or electric equipment (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases and System of an electric equipment of the engine) takes place.
The valve of system of operated ventilation картера (PCV) or a hose of system of continuous ventilation (CCV) (Heads of Adjustment and routine maintenance and Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management) is blocked.
The air filter (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases) is blocked.
The fuel pump does not provide giving of enough of fuel to injectors of system of injection (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases).
Leaks through a lining of a head of cylinders take place. Make measurement компрессионного pressure in engine cylinders.
Working ledges of cams of a camshaft (Head Rjadnyj the six-cylinder engine) are worn out.
Ignition admissions take place at engine work on single turns
Spark plugs are worn out or polluted or the candle backlash (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance) is incorrectly exposed.
Malfunction of components of the power supply system or electric equipment (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases and System of an electric equipment of the engine) takes place.
Wires of spark plugs (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance) are faulty.
Depression losses in the inlet pipeline or through шланговые connections (Section stability of work of the engine on single turns Is broken) take place.
There is not enough, or it is non-uniformly distributed компрессионное pressure in cylinders. Make compression measurement (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance).
Ignition admissions take place at car movement on transfer
The fuel filter is blocked or power supply system pollution (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance) takes place.
Spark plugs are faulty or polluted or the candle backlash (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance) is incorrectly exposed.
Malfunction of components of the power supply system or electric equipment (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases and System of an electric equipment of the engine) takes place.
Defect of candle wires (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance) takes place.
Components of systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases (the Head of System of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management) are faulty.
Insufficiently or it is non-uniformly distributed between cylinders компрессионное pressure. Remove spark plugs and make measurement компрессионного pressure (Head Rjadnyj the six-cylinder engine).
The ignition system (the Head System of an electric equipment of the engine) is faulty.
Depression losses on the throttle case, the inlet pipeline or through vacuum hoses (the Section see stability of work of the engine on single turns Is broken) take place.
The engine глохнет
Adjustment of turns of idling is broken. Label VECI see.
The fuel filter is blocked and-or the moisture or a dirt has got to the power supply system (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance).
Refusal of components of the power supply system or gauges (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases and System of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management) takes place.
Components of systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases (the Head of System of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management) are faulty.
Spark plugs are faulty or polluted or the candle backlash (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance) is incorrectly exposed. Also check up a condition of candle wires (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance).
Depression losses on the case of a throttle or through vacuum hoses (the Section see stability of work of the engine on single turns Is broken) take place.
Decrease in capacity of the engine takes place
Malfunction of components of the power supply system or electric equipment (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases and System of an electric equipment of the engine) takes place.
It is excessive люфт a distributor shaft. Simultaneously check up a condition бегунка, covers, wires, etc. (Heads of Adjustment and routine maintenance and System of an electric equipment of the engine).
Spark plugs are faulty or the candle backlash (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance) is incorrectly exposed.
The ignition coil (the Head System of an electric equipment of the engine) is faulty.
There does not correspond to requirements level of liquid АТ (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance).
Coupling (the Head Coupling and трансмиссионная a line) revolves.
The fuel filter is blocked and-or the dirt/moisture has got to the power supply system (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance).
It is faulty the system of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases (the Head of System of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management) functions.
Fuel not that grade is filled. Fill in in a tank fuel with demanded OCTANESым number.
Insufficiently or it is non-uniformly distributed between cylinders компрессионное pressure. Make the compression measurement which analysis of results allows to reveal presence of leaks of valves and-or infringement of tightness of a lining of a head of cylinders (Head Rjadnyj the six-cylinder engine).
There are claps in the carburettor/flash in release system
Functioning of systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases (the Head of System of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management) is broken.
Malfunction of components of the power supply system or electric equipment (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases and System of an electric equipment of the engine) takes place.
Defect in a secondary contour of system of ignition (destruction of insulators of spark plugs or defects of candle wires) (Heads of Adjustment and routine maintenance and System of an electric equipment of the engine) takes place.
The system of injection of fuel or its components requires adjustment are worn excessively out (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases).
Depression losses on the throttle case, the inlet pipeline or through vacuum hoses (the Section see stability of work of the engine on single turns Is broken) take place.
Valves (Head Rjadnyj the six-cylinder engine) are jammed.
The order of connection of candle wires (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance) is broken.
At movement with acceleration or uphill there are sounds of a detonation of a mix
Fuel not that grade is filled. Fill in in a tank fuel with demanded OCTANESым number.
Malfunction of components of the power supply system or electric equipment (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases and System of an electric equipment of the engine) takes place.
Spark plugs not that type are established. Check up conformity of type of candles to requirements of label VECI located under a cowl. Also check up candles and their wires on presence of damages (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance).
The system of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases (the Head of System of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management) is faulty.
Depression losses (the Section see stability of work of the engine on single turns Is broken) take place.
Takes place калильное ignition (the engine continues to work after ignition deenergizing)
Idling turns (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance) are excessively high.
Malfunction of components of the power supply system or electric equipment (the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases and System of an electric equipment of the engine) takes place.
The working temperature of the engine is excessive. The possible reasons of the given infringement can be decrease in level of a cooler (the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance), thermostat refusal, blocking of a radiator or malfunction of the water pump (the Head of System of cooling, heating and an air conditioning).